PreK_Passes_Senate copyClick Here to Read Senate Bill 2395 PreK Collaboration Act.

Click here to View Lt. Governor’s and Speaker’s Press Conference.


  1. Debbie Ellis says:

    Quinn Welch wrote:

    Please ask the senate to require a copy of the guidelines and compare them to. the guidelines of the public school. systems! Ask them how giving children choices and taking structure away from the preschool classrooms will promote readiness for children who will be expected to sit still and listen and test as early as kindergarten! Show them the difference in a child who has been allowed to play all day and a child who has been given a structured preschool education with balance of social development, physical development, as well as Intellectual development! Tell them to pull the common core guidelines and see if has over an 1hr of teaching handwashing in the curriculum!! Children are being forced as early as Kindergarten to master these guidelines and if you take the little structure that the centers who refuse to conform to the out dated guidelines OUR CHILDREN WILL FAIL IN PUBLIC SCHOOL! CHILDCARE CENTERS (PRESCHOOLS) PROVIDE THE PLATFORM OF QUALITY EDUCATION AND CARE BUT THIS UNPROVEN SYSTEM OF STARS USED TO MEASURE US IS JUST NOT GOOD FOR THE CENTER OR THE CHILD! I WOULD HATE TO OBSERVE HOW AND WHY THESE CENTERS WITH 3STARS OR BETTER HAVE BEEN AWARDED THESE STARS! BECAUSE IT WOULD SICKEN ME TO FIND CHILDREN STACKING BLOCKS AND BUILDING ON AN IMAGINATION THAT WILL BE LAID TO REST DURING TEST IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS! LETS PROMOTE READINESS IN BALANCE! THERE’S NO ONE WAY BUT QRS IS NO.WHERE CLOSE TO BEING A WAY AT ALL!


  2. B L Fish says:

    It’s breaking news alright! It stands to financially break the child care providers.

    Does SB2395 address the whole child?

    Let’s be clear here: There is no evidence that “rigorous” standards and massive testing improve student learning.

    To impose the Common Core paradigm (CCSS) on four-year-olds is a crime. The CCSS was created from the top down. By the time these standards reach Kindergarten and below, they are inappropriate. Certainly, some children CAN do the required academics. The question is: SHOULD they be doing it?.

    On another note, we do not yet know if The Quality Stars System of Mississippi is the proper way to evaluate child care centers for the state. Does it adequately measure teacher/child interaction? Does it address child learning outcomes? Further, we need to evaluate the public school “Pre-K” classrooms using the same measure with which we measure the child care centers.

    I understand that the legislators are embarrassed that Mississippi is the only southern state without state supported “Pre-K.” SB2395 is not the answer.

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