DECCD Director Kristie McHale Remains Inaccessible

DECCD Director Kristie McHale Remains Inaccessible

I don’t even bother to directly contact or establish any kind of dialog or professional relationship with DECCD Director Kristie McHale anymore, for in the year or more she has served in that capacity, I do not believe she has ever responded or even provided her name on a memo.

Jill Dent responded.

Laura Dixon responded.

Candice Pittman responded even under most tense of circumstances (and they sacked her) – but not Kristie McHale!

Of course, she might be following the example demonstrated by those governing SECAC who have not included, but rather, greatly excluded, our organizations and peer vetted leadership from all policy making including the development of the Pre-K grant now being drafted. 

I suppose they already know we will never agree to the predatory underfunding Kristie McHale has recently announced via Email in support of making an unsustainable CCDF State Plan slightly more sustainable for administrators and technical advisors only!

It has been about ten days since I copied DECCD Kristie McHale on an email explaining that Mississippi law allows children age 5 by September first to remain enrolled in private kindergarten programs and receive full time Certificates if that is the choice of the parent, and still, there has been no response.

CDNA members have now begun to make written request to Earl Scales who represents the Office of the Attorney General at DHS in order to request a public hearing (oral proceeding) to address this and other concerns outlined in the newly proposed Child Care Payment Policies Manual.

Administrative Procedures Law requires an oral proceeding if such requests are received from 10 citizens.

If you wish to participate, please let me know and I will send you a copy of the form letter being used to make the request. Just sign and send! It’s that easy!

In the meantime, a CHILD CARE RALLY is being planned for September at the Capitol.

This blog will announce the details of the Rally and more when they are available so stay tuned!


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